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Benefits and Debt

If you are struggling to manage your money, facing bankruptcy, or are just wondering if you are claiming all of the benefits for which you are eligible, then help is at hand. The first step is facing up to the problem if you owe money to a bank or company and it has become unmanageable, try speaking to them about it. The bank will often work with you to revise your repayments and come up with an affordable alternative.

The Citizens Advice Bureaux can help with debt advice and budgeting, and the Illegal Money Lending Team can help and support you if you are concerned about loan sharks operating in your area.

Those looking for emergency support can get assistance from Hereford Food Bank (HFB) on Aubrey Street. However, we must stress that the food parcel service is for those in crisis and HFB are not able to support people long term. HFB are can also signpost you to services that can help with debt and money management which will help you to maximise your budget.

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